Frontend Developer | Chemical Engineer

Hi, I'm

TomAtomic logo TomAtomic logo


Tomas smiling

Science & Technology
are my Things

I build Cool Stuff using

A bit about myself

Find some of my values, skills and something more.

Tommy and a Dog

👋🏼 Welcome to my spot on the web!
My name is Tomás Peñaloza Avilés and I am a 🇧🇴 Bolivian developer and engineer.

Since I was a child, I've been very active, curious and keen to try experiments. So I ended up with a degree in 🧑🏻‍🔬 Chemical Engineering and it gave me a superpower: a scientific approach to experiment and understand the way things happen.

During my degree, I realized I also liked coding and had some talent at it. So I decided to explore a whole new field, the 💻️Software & Web development universe. And I loved it! Code allows me to build highly scalable tools with potential to transform and improve the daily lives of people, companies and institutions. It's another ⚡️ superpower! But you know... "With great power 🕸️ comes great responsibility".

So now, I'm looking to use these superpowers to make a difference in the world. My purpose is to make things that matter, things that generate value to humanity, to life and to this astonishing world. I believe that with a good idea and a highly committed group of individuals that colaborate together, there is nothing that can't be changed for good.

What I Believe on

  • Life is about purpose and passion.

  • Learning is a gift, even when it hurts.
  • Living without risks makes no sense.
  • Discipline doesn't exist. Only habits.
  • Be a free spirit, a free thinker.
  • What is delayed is not denied.
  • Play long-term games with long-term people.

  • You can improve at anything with feedback and deliberate practice.
  • Live hard, live long so you can meet great people and great places.


Coding Skills

JavaScript icon

| Core |

  • JavaScript in depth
  • Object-Oriented P.
  • HTML Accessibility
  • CSS Responsive
Git icon

| Tools |

  • NPM
  • Git & Github
  • Webpack
  • Sass | PUG
React icon

| Frameworks |

  • React JS
  • Next JS
  • Tailwind
Node icon

| Bakend Basics |

  • Node JS
  • API Rest: Express.js
  • Postgre SQL

Soft Skills

  • Active learning
  • Organized & Professional
  • Clear communication
  • Big picture vision
  • Pro-active, goal-focused
  • Adaptability on changing enviroments

Scientific Skills

  • Experimentation for Improvement
  • Simulation of Petrochemical Processes
  • Heat transfer procesess
  • Precious Metals Extraction
  • WSMD Projects
  • XRF Analyzer Operation & Calibration

Challenges & Achievements

JavaScript Full-Stack 2021-2022

Formation as a PERNN Full-Stack developer. Succeded at more than 60+ courses, several challenges and projects in Platzi (e-learning). Web development, Soft Skills, Crypto & Blockchain, Project Management.

Certifications - Platzi -
Perfect Score at Degree Project 2019

Small-scale GTL: A flowsheet evaluation of SMR, ATR and ATR-N2 technologies for synthetic Diesel production. A simulation research executed under guidance of PhD. Jorge Velasco.

Degree project - Chemical Engineering -
Advanced English & French
2017 | 2013

Language Certifications with and advanced level attained. Result of about 6 years of studying english and french languages. Conversational fluency (B2) at both.

- Languages -
Intercultural Exchange Year 2009-2010

A whole year of a life-changing experience in Belgium. Being welcomed on a fantastic and lovely family. And meeting and sharing with great friends and teachers at school. Amazing places in Europe that I had the chance know and food to try.

About YFU - Belgium -

Favourite Quotes


Truth ―more precisely, an accurate understanding of reality― is the essential foundation for producing good outcomes.

Ray Dalio

A calm mind, a fit-body and a house full of love. These things can be bought, they must be earned.

Naval Ravikant


La vida está injustamente corelacionada con la gente que uno conoce. Si uno nace pobre y se rodea de gente pobre, uno va a ser pobre. Si uno nace rico y se rodea de gente rica, muy probablemente uno va a ser rico. La buena noticia es que apenas uno lo entiende, uno puede hackear el sistema.

Freddy Vega

Somos antorchas, solo tenemos sentido cuando nos quemamos; solamente entonces seremos luz.

Luis Espinal


Puedes enajenar tu vida, dejar que te la compre el mercado, pasarte la vida pagando tarjetas y comprando cacharros. Le das pa' delante y al final estás como un viejo como yo lleno de reumatismos... ¿Que hiciste en este mundo? Pero si tuviste un sueño y peleaste por una esperanza que la transmitiste a los que quedan, tal vez quede un pequeño aliento rodando con el viento, en las colinas, en los mares. Un pálido recuerdo que vale más que un monumento.

José Mujica

Hable más fuerte, que traigo una toalla.

Homero Simpson


Random facts

  • When I was a child, I went camping with my scouts group. We couldn't set a good fire and we ended up eating half cooked rice. Also, my friend set up the tent over a big cow's poop. We only realized that at the end. At night we slept very comfortable and thinking that nature smells very funny.
  • Can do a very tasty 'Chili con carne'. Not too spicy but with a lot of flavor and fries!
  • I have a fascination for the adrenaline you feel on roller coasters.
  • Just recently, I discovered a taste for poetry. One of my favorite poems it's called   "Itaca" by Konstantino Kavafis .

  • Even though I almost drowned when I was 4 years old, once I was able to jump into the pool by myself I've loved swimming for the rest of my days. I even made competitive swimming for some years as a teenager.
  • Choosing between movies or series, I would prefer watching movies.
  • I'm a fierce practitioner of daily exercise, eating healthy, fasting and meditating.
  • Been learning about Bitcoin, blockchain and crypto since 2020. It's a revolutionary field. But I really think everyone should learn about personal finances before entering to this world.
  • Cats are nice, but I'm definitely a dog person 🐕️❤️.

My Work  |  Portfolio

Check out some of my latest developments


YardSale Admin Dashboard

Professional Dashboard for administrative data and management of an E-commerce. It has an authentication layer leveraged by with Jason Web Token. Uses the Chart.JS library for the statistics. Connects to the Platzi Fake Store API through axios and HTTP methods to create, read, update an delete products.

  • TailwindCSS
  • JavaScript JavaScript
  • React.js React.JS: Components, Render props, React-icons
  • Next.js Next.JS

My Tasks

This is a clean and responsive To-Do app build using React.js, to write down the list of To-Dos you have pending. It also has a counter for completed tasks and a search bar. The list of tasks will be stored on the cache memory of your computer, no server or Data Base has been used. Loading skeletons will simulate a period of connection to a server.

  • CSS CSS: Sass | Flexbox
  • JavaScript JavaScript
  • React.js React.JS: Components, Render props, React-icons
  • React.js React Hooks: Custom, useState, useEffect, useContext

20 in your 20's

A gallery of city cards with links to touristic posts. It's a project about 20 beautiful South American cities you should visit in your 20s. Made fluid and adaptable to screen sizes only with CSS Grid and HTML.

  • HTML Semantic HTML
  • CSS CSS: Grid layout

Lazy-load Foxes

A project focused on applying skills in DOM manipulation with pure JavaScript. The user interface is very simple, each click to the Add image button will add a picture of a fox. It brings the photos from an external API and uses the browser's Intersection Observer to load the picture only when you scroll down.

  • HTML Semantic HTML
  • CSS CSS: Grid
  • JavaScript JavaScript: DOM manipulation and API connection


Let's get in touch

Do you have an interesting/impactful idea in mind? A job proposal? Or even a good joke? Don't hesitate and let me know! Feel free to reach me out on my social media or sending a quick message with this form.


Not fixed (Available to move out!)


Platzi | UMSA | Coursera


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